The Japanese market has been shrinking and it is said "A new era is coming where products just don't sell well". However, we believe that there is demand around the world for products that are truly valuable and they also should be introduced to people all over the world. We cover all round from marketing research questioning "what" and "how" to creative aspect such as project execution and dissemination. To achieve each customer's goal, we make full use of our knowledge and experiences on overseas business and our own network, and we update our operation according to the times, space and needs. Even if it's on the other side of the world, we will work hard with you. Together we can achieve your goals.
Introduce products that are truly good but unknown to the world.
Develop markets around the world facing tasks with a broad view.
Present the value of something that is invisible in a visible manner.
Be adventurous, curious, and creative.
Shinya Sendoda
Studied at University of Missouri, International Studies Major
Creativity is proportional to the distance you transfer locations.
I will deliver new business opportunity to customers by moving around the world!
Taro Horiuchi
Studied at Hokkaido University, Agriculture Major
Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous.
ACRO-PLUS is always challenging and will help your business advance!
Yuko Sendoda
Art Director
Studied at University of Oregon, BFA in Painting, Fine Arts
Fail forward.
In charge of creative phase, I commit to cook ideas into a form of design.
Maki Kawamura
Translation Division Manager
Studied at Tsuru University, Sociology Major. Studied abroad in Austraria.
Choose your future Choose life
We will support your initial step to penetrate toward the world!
Hoang Phan
Studying at Utah University, Political Science Major. Studied abroad at Waseda University.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Helping customers expand and grow their businesses is what I enjoy.
Yuuki Shiojima
Sales Assistant
Studied at Shizuoka University, Education Major. Studied abroad at Barklee University.
The most failure is the failure to try
Our office is full of fun moments with staffs from Japan and other countries, so please feel free to stop by!
Michela Figliola
Inbound Tourism Writer
Born in Italy, lives in Japan
Don't be afraid to follow your dream.
Through web, we have a big power to connect the world. Let's use this chance to create something positive!
Zoria Petkoska
Inbound Tourism Writer
Born in Macedonia, lives in Japan
Reach out to the world!
Travel is one of the greatest treasures that doesn't lose value and cannot be taken from you. And we can either travel physically or through stories and photos, and both kinds have their own value. Whatever you do - keep learning!
Finza Nabila
Born in Indonesia.
Better try than regret not doing something
Connect to people in the virtual world, working together in the real word.